Sunday, September 26, 2010

Attack Attack!

So as I can see, this blog is booming a little bit, so I think I'll start posting twoadays. I figure I'll give a little attention to the mainstream metalcore-ers and talk a little about Attack Attack!

This band, which formed in Ohio, no surprise, has been around since 2005, and has had two albums, both of which feature a different singer. They're a very good mix of metalcore and techno, which the metalcore scene has been seeing more and more of lately. Their music video for the song Stick Stickly, which is my favorite song off of the first album, is also the target of crabcore propaganda. I personally embrace the idea of metalcore just being referred to as crabcore, as it just adds a little bit of fun to the genre.

They're second, self titled album was released earlier this year and has a much different sound, but that also comes partially with the fact that they have a new singer. They're old singer now sings for Of Mice and Men, which is another of my favorites, and will eventually be featured on this blog.  As most of you are probably familiar with Stick Stickly, I'll be featuring Smokahontas off of their newest album.  Have fun.


Now, you're thinking to yourself, what kind of blog is this if it doesn't feature August Burns Red? Well, you're terribly mistaken. This is that post.

As most of you know, a large number of good metalcore bands come from mainly the northeastern states. This is nice for me because I live in that area, and I have friends in bands that are now becoming quite famous. Of these bands is August Burns Red (no I don't mean I have friends in the band, but I do have a friend whose cousin's friend is the drummer of ABR). They hail from Lancaster, PA, so they are within an hour of my house.

Since their release of Thrill Seeker in 2005, they have been shaping the very face of the metalcore scene as we know it. They're a perfect ratio of one part metalcore, one part progressive, and one part faith in God. I've seen people who hated screaming music get erections over their songs. The song that I would have to say has led to the most premature ejaculations however is Composure, so that will be the song for today. So just remember, you've got your whole life to lead, and it's time to gain some ground.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

D.R.U.G.S. and you

As most of you Chiodos fans are aware, the lead singer of the band, Craig Owens, was fired from the band back in September of last year. They picked up a new singer, Brandon Bolmer. Their new album featuring this singer, Illuminaudio, will be released this October 5.

This isn't necessarily a bad change though. Although Craig was basically the face of Chiodos, the songs that they have released to Youtube are all pretty damn good, but they're no All's Well That Ends Well. The songs that you can listen to are Illuminaudio, which is more of an intro/teaser to the album, Love is a Cat From Hell, Modern Wolf Hair, but more noteably, Those Who Slay Together, Stay Together. The latter is the song I will be featuring in this post. It's so bright and vivid, almost irresistible to pass up. The rest are pretty average, but if you are a true Chiodos fan, its possible to ignore them.

But you're probably wondering what Craig Owens is doing with his time now that he's off the band. Him, along with Nick Martin of Underminded, Matt Good from From First to Last, and Aaron Stern of Matchbook Romance, have started a new band named Destroy Rebuild Until God Shows, or D.R.U.G.S. Although they have not released any news of an album, Craig did however say that they have already booked tours for early 2011. Now all we have left to do is wait, as D.R.U.G.S. could possibly be the new Chiodos.

Friday, September 24, 2010

First Post

This site is gonna be basically about everything hardcore in the world.  I'll keep up to date with news about your favorite metalcore, post-hardcore, and other metal-esque bands, and I'll be keeping updated with new music videos, albums, and whatnot as frequently as I can.  I'd have to say a good place to start is Asking Alexandria.  Now, we all know this band is amazing, but they only have one album.  We can all say that The Final Episode (Let's Change the Channel) is most likely the best song off of Stand Up and Scream, but we can only listen to it so many times.  They have announced that they will be releasing a new album in December of 2010 with the title Reckless and Relentless.  This is pretty old news if your a fan of the band, but I thought that it would help people that haven't been checking in with them.  I'll be trying to stay up to date with the progress on this album, as this is my favorite band of all time.  Also I'd like to add that they have three songs available on the Rock Band Network store; The Final Episode (Let's Change the Channel), Hey There Mr. Brooks, and A Prophecy.  As for this post, that's gonna be it.  I'll try to do a post a night with the biggest news in metalcore.  I'll also put a music video on each post so you can listen to the band your reading about.  It should come as no surprise that today's video will have to be The Final Episode by Asking Alexandria.  Enjoy.